„Един човек казал на Вселената: „Сър, аз съществувам!”. „Все едно”, отговорила Вселената. Фактът не създава в мен чувство на задължение.” Стивън Крейн
Photo by Steve Winter @stevewinterphoto | A polar bear comes toward our icebreaker ship, the M/V Kinfish, somewhere in Svalbard. Over the past three decades, the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by a stunning 95 percent, according to NOAA. The sea in the Arctic has changed dramatically, which impacts polar bears, walruses, and other Arctic creatures. If ice continues to melt, the planet will warm further, as the dark ocean water absorbs large amounts of solar heat that used to be deflected by the bright white ice. @stevewinterphoto @natgeo @natgeoimagecollection
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