„Законите на природата нямат физически пропорции маса/енергия. Има платонични истини в трансцеденталната реалност, които създават и управляват Вселената.” Дийпак Чопра
View this post on Instagram Photo by Pete McBride @pedromcbride | Sandy Serenity: In the San Luis rift valley, winds lift sand from dry lakes on the valley floor to form giant dunes, the tallest in North America. The constant back-and-forth of winds blows sand from the valley floor to the mountains and vice versa during storms, helping maintain the dunes’ height, which can reach up to 750 feet tall—before collapsing under their own weight. I’ve marveled at this ever shifting natural phenomenon my entire life. To see more wild places, follow @pedromcbride. #GreatSandDunes #nationalpark #Colorado #nature #humility A post shared by National Geographic (@natgeo) on Sep 18, 2019 at 3:38am PDT
Photo by Pete McBride @pedromcbride | Sandy Serenity: In the San Luis rift valley, winds lift sand from dry lakes on the valley floor to form giant dunes, the tallest in North America. The constant back-and-forth of winds blows sand from the valley floor to the mountains and vice versa during storms, helping maintain the dunes’ height, which can reach up to 750 feet tall—before collapsing under their own weight. I’ve marveled at this ever shifting natural phenomenon my entire life. To see more wild places, follow @pedromcbride. #GreatSandDunes #nationalpark #Colorado #nature #humility
A post shared by National Geographic (@natgeo) on Sep 18, 2019 at 3:38am PDT