Giants Causeway Beach, Ирландия Този плаж се е формирал преди 50-60 млн. години, когато базалтова лава се е издигнала до повърхността на морето и се е охладила, в следствие на което са се получили тези колони.
View this post on Instagram We want to share some places that we love!❤️ Giants Causeway Beach in Ireland! Isn't is just beautiful! Definitely one for the Bucket List! Photos - Michael, Stefan Klopp📷 - Your home for top staff, good reviews, special events and rewards for all.🌟 #spotlightlove #places #ireland #giantscausewaybeach #beach #beauty #share #love #staffspotlight #review #top #staff #earn #rewards #travel #adventure #coolplaces #bucketlist A post shared by StaffSpotlight (@staffspotlight) on Aug 13, 2015 at 2:40am PDT
We want to share some places that we love!❤️ Giants Causeway Beach in Ireland! Isn't is just beautiful! Definitely one for the Bucket List! Photos - Michael, Stefan Klopp📷 - Your home for top staff, good reviews, special events and rewards for all.🌟 #spotlightlove #places #ireland #giantscausewaybeach #beach #beauty #share #love #staffspotlight #review #top #staff #earn #rewards #travel #adventure #coolplaces #bucketlist
A post shared by StaffSpotlight (@staffspotlight) on Aug 13, 2015 at 2:40am PDT